Savannah College of Art & Design Women's Soccer (SCAD) to host ID Clinic in February
WHO? SCAD Savannah Women's Soccer Team
WHAT? The Bees are hosting an ID clinic where the SCAD coaching staff will have an opportunity to evaluate prospective collegiate soccer players. The event will include technical training, small-sided and 11 v. 11 games, player assessment and interaction with current SCAD artist-athletes.
WHEN? February 17, 2023 will be a training day from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is a SCAD Day with the Admissions Department on February 18th. Interested athletes should attend to learn more about what SCAD has to offer.
WHERE? SCAD Athletic Complex (3650 Speedway Blvd. – U.S. Highway 17 – Hardeeville, S.C.
HOW? In order to participate fill out the 2023 ID Camp Registration Form and the Athletic Participation Waiver Form and send to Assistant Coach Sinead Byrne at Both of which can also be found on our website under Women's Soccer and the "More" tab.
Please contact Assistant Coach Sinead Byrne at with any questions.
To learn more about SCAD Day, click here.
PHOTO CREDIT: SCAD Athletics Department