St. Andrew's recently celebrated the senior student athletes on the Varsity Volleyball team. Recognized during the last home game of the season, Grace Jackson '21 was with her parents Stephen and Susan Jackson and Corinne Standing '21 was with her parents Stephen and Jen Standing.
Coach Teri Scott shared a few words about each player:
Grace's role in the SAS Lions volleyball program goes deep. She not only puts it all out on the court, she takes on much responsibility off the court. She isn't one to waiver when things need to be done. It has been very satisfying to watch Grace improve this season. She has definitely contributed to the team's successes. It is always hard to say good-bye to team members, but I feel fortunate to be able to call Grace my player, even if it is for only one season.
Corinne has had a tremendous career on the St. Andrew's Volleyball squad. She consistently comes to practice with a smile on her face, ready to work. She is mature, eager, and enthusiastic and nobody can lead a cheer like Corinne. Her leadership qualities are apparent as she exudes the positive St. Andrew's culture in her everyday actions. It is sad to see her go but immensely gratifying to have her as part of the program for all four years of high school.