Every sport is beginning to look at how to build Mental Toughness and make sure their athletes are resilient. Commentators mention it much more than just a few years ago no matter what you are watching. Well, I’m here to answer the BIG questions when it comes to mental toughness and resilience and what impact mental training truly has on your athlete’s performance. Let’s go on the Journey together!!!
The 6 Dimensions!
My life’s work around getting the most consistently great performances with my clients requires an understanding of these 6 dimensions! What are these and how you ultimately create a system to improve them is what matters if you are looking to create the champion mindset.
- Your World View
- Understanding Challenges
- Encountering Difficulty and Obstacles
- Effort
- Feedback & Criticism
- Success of Others
As you follow along with these articles each of these will be explored in some depth to offer more information about the way forward.
Today’s Journey Forward?
If you’ve identified that your mindset needs a little tweaking in one of the 6 Dimensions above let me offer you a visual on what your growth will look like below:
The Mental Mystery: SOLVED
For decades, the mystery of peak performance was unsolved. Coaches, athletes, trainers wanted to know…
- Why do some athletes reach their potential and others don’t?
- Why do some athletes crave challenges and others shy away?
- Why do some athletes crumble under pressure while others thrive?
- Why do some athletes bounce back from failure and others implode?
Special Invitation
Do you want to know more about the mental game? Do your athletes struggle mentally? Do your athletes need to improve their mental game? Do you want to know how to help your athletes build mental toughness? Do you want tangible tools to help you coach the mental game?
If you answered YES! to any of those questions, then I invite you to check out a FREE ASSESSMENT on my website (www.elitemindsllc.com). After your completion and results received you will receive an invitation to Join the Mindset of Champion Mindset Monthly Group.
Visit Robert at www.elitemindsllc.com or email at Robert@elitemindsllc.com.
Robert Price is the owner of Elite Minds, LLC is a mental performance consulting service that promotes professionals exceeding their potential in every field of human endeavor. This is accomplished through proven mental skill techniques that will lead the professional to more consistent performances even in the face of adversity. We understand how to get the brain and body working together as a team. Robert W.H. Price founded Elite Minds in 2000 as a graduate student and has created successful inroads since for hundreds of clients. He is an expert applying specific mental skills and techniques that cultivate the mental and emotional strength necessary to thrive in an era of overwhelming demands and persistent conflict.
Elite Minds has worked with a wide variety of clients in various settings. We’ve improved performance with Soldiers, NBA, NFL, USL, PGA, NCAA athletes, Junior Golf, gymnasts, hockey players, lacrosse, ice skating, field hockey, track, and many other recreational athletes.