
GHSA Announces Four New Revisions

By Prep Sports Report Staff | July 2, 2020

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With the Georgia High School Association teams set to return from the June 28- July 4 dead week. The dead week is when no teams, athletes, or coaches can do anything sports related as a team or group. They do not allow coaches to instruct any athlete during this dead week period. GHSA executive director Robin Hines announced Wednesday the plans to ease restrictions on GHSA teams again to lead up to the official beginning of the 2020 - 2021 athletic school year.

Here is the information released on the four revised conditioning recommendations to start on July 6, 2020, and this is all based with the school districts and private schools’ guidelines first.

All previous guidance and restrictions remain in place with the changes below.

1. Workouts are conditioning only (inter squad competitions are allowed but competition between schools is illegal); sports specific equipment (including balls) may be used and should be sanitized between sessions.

2. Cheerleading, Softball and Volleyball tryouts are allowed.

3. Mask and face covering are recommended.

4. No use of water fountains or “water cows” is allowed. Athletes bring own water bottles.

Also, another statement by Dr. Hines is a reminder that all summer workouts are voluntary. GHSA mandatory practices for football can start on July 27 and all other fall sports can start on August 1.

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The "Coach" Karl DeMasi has been teaching and coaching for the past 35 years on all levels of academia and athletics. One of his hobbies has been writing, announcing and talking about sports. DeMasi has been involved in the Savannah Area sports scene since 1995, and he created the high school magazine "The Prep Sports Report" in 2000. In 2010, the "Coach" started broadcasting The Karl DeMasi Sports Report. He's still going strong, broadcasting on Facebook live and Twitter live every Saturday morning. You gotta love it!

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